Çelikalp Makina Sanayi

Wood Processing Machines, Wood Milling Machines, Boring Machines, Wood Thicknessing Machine, Log Machine, Band Saw, Wedge Cutting Machine, Guillotine Shears Production and Sales

Number of Membership Days: 83 Day
Company Name: Çelikalp Makina Sanayi
Activity Type: Export | Dealer | Manufacturer - Producer | Wholesale | Retail sale | Second Hand Sales
Company Brief Information: Wood Processing Machines, Wood Milling Machines, Boring Machines, Wood Thicknessing Machine, Log Machine, Band Saw, Wedge Cutting Machine, Guillotine Shears Production and Sales
Number of Employees: 11-50 Working Between
Type of Company: Şahıs Firması
Establishment Year: 1967
Capital : Between 10,000,001-50,000,000 TL
Annual Revenue: Between 25,000,000 - 99,999,999 TL